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Employment Verification

您是第三方或TC能源公司的前雇员吗? 此页面旨在帮助您确定需要哪种类型的就业验证以及如何请求所需的验证.

如果你担心你被冒充TC能源或其招聘合作伙伴的欺诈个人或组织联系, or are unsure about an offer of employment, please review our Fraud Alert page for further information.

Third party information requests


Third parties must submit:

  • An employment verification request via email
    • 表单必须是不需要创建用户ID或帐户登录的附件或链接

  • TC能源公司现任或前任员工签署的同意书或释放表格, allowing confirmation of current or previous employment
    • A wet signature, including date of signature within 6 months, 或DocuSign电子放行(DocuSign是唯一可接受的电子放行形式)


Requests will be processed in two to five business days.

Drug and alcohol testing (DOT) verification

按照第三方信息请求部分中概述的流程进行操作. 要求DOT验证可能需要额外的处理时间.

Former employee

如果您不是TC能源公司的员工,并且需要一份雇佣信, 请将详细的请求连同您的联系信息(电话号码)发送至 hr_services@cirimisi.com.


Please email hr_services@cirimisi.com or call the TC Energy HR InfoLine at 1-877-669-8111.